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Chick Chat by Janie Bynum


Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes.

Peep, peep, peep! Baby Chick has a lot to say!

Everyone in Chick’s family is too busy to chat with her. But when chatty baby Chick adopts a large egg—she finally finds a friend who is a good listener. When her egg goes missing, Chick is heartbroken, until she finds that it has hatched into a brand-new friend!



Nikoleta Katsiouli: 

Peep, peep, peep! Baby Chick has a lot to say!

Baby Chick just wants to chat.
Little Chick tries to talk to his family members but everybody was busy, with other things. That didn’t stop him from peeping. While exploring, baby Chick finds a mysterious egg and takes care of it. He protects it, stays with it and tells to it everything he wants to say. When the egg hatches, Chick gains a new friend, who doesn’t speak a lot, but is happy to offer a listening ear to his new friend, while he keeps speaking.

Charming and fun illustration combined with texts for young readers. The colorful drawing style is going to amaze every child. Older readers will appreciate the humor in the story, especially if they are the “talkative” ones in the family.

A great choice to learn about balance and friendship.
A story about patience, friendship and kindness.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Βαθμολογία: [yasr_overall_rating]/5


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