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Written by 6:12 pm Games Views: 2

Athens Games Festival 2018


Welcome to Athens Games Festival 2018, powered by ΕΚΟΜΕ!

Athens Games Festival is the first international game business conference in Greece, aiming to bring together industry professionals, stakeholders, publishers and the media. 

Its 2nd edition will take place from 20th -21st October 2018 at the Helexpo Maroussi exhibition centre in Athens. Video game developers from Greece, Cyprus and all around the world will gather together during these two days, along with international game development studios, in order to showcase their talent and share their own digital story. 
The Festival is organized by the ΓΓ Ενημέρωσης & Επικοινωνίας / SecGen for Media & Communication of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media / Υπουργείο Ψηφιακής Πολιτικής, Τηλεπικοινωνιών & Ενημέρωσης in partnership with White Nights ConferenceNordic Game and more key industry organisations.

What to expect when visiting Athens Games Festival 2018:

– Influential speakers from the global gaming industry
– Closed sessions by high profile companies
– Local and international exhibitors
– Networking events
– Investor Summit
– Board Games mini exhibition
– Game Arena
– MasterClasses
– Several contests (such as Nordic Game Discovery Contest)
…as well as a few surprises!


– General Pass: https://bit.ly/2P0wWGM
– Student Pass: https://bit.ly/2P0wWGM


– Game Developers Expo: https://bit.ly/2IlLMp8
– Board Games Expo: https://bit.ly/2R3WCDT


– Games Financing Forum: https://bit.ly/2IjTOi9
– Game Art Collection 2018: https://bit.ly/2z3UMy2
– Workshop “Games for AI and AI for games”: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLcrn7wNDjTSp0g3p1IWPXJdEXcakjCv1K2OwMsuQLSGKH5A/viewform
– Nordic Game Discover Contest: https://bit.ly/2xGg8gu

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